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All scouts who currently hold a Troop 502 leadership position are required to attend tonight’s 6pm Patrol Leadership Council (PLC) meeting.

This will be a planning session and involve making decisions on what we do and where we go in the 2022-23 scouting year.  

Scouts who want to take a leadership role in the troop this fall are also encouraged to attend.

Wear your Class B uniform or Class A if you prefer.

Each scout must bring:

  1. THREE Merit Badges they want or need to earn and
  2. At least THREE detailed written ideas for a main event. Bonus points for new places that we have not gone yet.

We want trips to be within about 4 hours from Harrison Church.

Trip budget is $20 per scout per trip, so something that costs $70 per scout has to be special enough that a scout and their parents won’t mind paying $15 food + $50 for the trip.

This is an example of a detailed written idea for a repeat trip:

I would like to go on a 20 mile bike ride at the Virginia Creeper trail this year. It is located at___________________ I called three bike rental companies and the fees from this one______________________ are best. They offer a discount for scouts if the group is at least 12 people. Rental prices are _________________per____________ which includes the bike and a helmet. There is an option for a 50-mile ride, the first 20 miles is mostly downhill and the rest of the 30 is flat. We can camp at __________________________ which is _____________(should be under 15 miles) away and costs ____________ flat fee.

This is an example of an idea for a new trip.

There is a lake in SC that offers water sports, especially sailing, which I’ve wanted to learn how to do. It is located at ___________________, the sailboats are rentable for _______________for the weekend and include the boats, PFDs and instruction. We can camp at __________________________ which is _____________miles away and costs ____________ per scout per night).

Looking forward to hearing your ideas tonight at 6pm

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